In gas-liquid contact operation, the number of ideal stages, $${\text{N}} = \frac{{{{\text{x}}_{\text{a}}} - {{\text{x}}_{\text{b}}}}}{{{{\text{x}}_{\text{b}}} - {{\text{x}}^{ * {\text{b}}}}}}.$$   This is true when the stripping factor 'S' is

The term "approach" in a cooling tower refers to the difference in the temperature of the

The Reynolds number of the liquid was increased 100 fold for a laminar falling film used for gas-liquid contacting. Assuming penetrating theory is applicable, the fold increase in the mass transfer co-efficient (Kc) for the same sytem is

Flash distillation is suitable for separating the constituents of a binary system, which

Pick out the wrong statement.

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