Tubes are fixed to the tube sheet (a thick circular metallic plate) by the method of tube rolling and brazing (non-removable) or ferrule connection (removable). Thickness of the tube, sheet is normally __________ the outside diameter of the tube but in no case it should be less than 22 mm $$\left( {{{\frac{7}{8}}^{''}}} \right).$$

$$\frac{{{{\text{L}}_{\text{e}}}}}{{\text{D}}}$$ for fully open gate valves would be

Pick out the wrong statement about the design of seive plate column and the bubble cap column.

With increase in the reflux ratio for a fixed production from a continuous binary distillation column, the __________ decreases.

In a shell and tube heat exchanger for a given heat transfer surface area, smaller diameter tubes are favoured as compared to larger diameter ones ; because the smaller diameter tubes

Liquid gradient over a tray can be minimised by

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