A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor at its boiling point. On an average, the molecules in the liquid and gaseous phases have equal

The vapour pressure of water is given by, in Psat = A - (5000/T), where A is a constant, Psat is the vapour pressure in atm. and T is the temperature in K.The vapor pressure of water in atm. at 50°C is approximately

The combustion equations of carbon and carbon monoxide are as follows:
C + O2 = CO2, ΔH = -394 kJ/kg.mole
CO + $$\frac{1}{2}$$O2 = CO2, ΔH = -284.5 kJ/kg.mole
The heat of formation of CO is __________ kJ/kg.mole.

In case of a ternery system involving two liquid components and a solute, the ratio of the concentration of the solute in the two phases at equilibrium is called the distribution co-efficient. The distribution co-efficient depends upon the

Enthalpy change resulting, when unit mass of solid is wetted with sufficient liquid, so that further addition of liquid produces no additional thermal effect, is called the heat of

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