Free float for any activity is defined as the difference between

Assertion A: For a given depth of cut, the output of a power shovel can be increased by decreasing the angle of swing.
Reason R: If the angle of swing is decreased, the cycle time will be decreased.

Consider the following statements:
In the critical path method of construction planning, Free Float can be.
1. Greater than Total Float.
2. Greater than Independent Float
3. Equal to Total Float.
4. Less than Independent Float

A contractor has two options; (l) : Invest his money in project A or (II) : Invest his money in project B. If he decides to invest in A, for every rupee invested, he is assured of doubling his money in ten years. If he decides to invest in B, he is assured of making his money 1.5 times in 5 years. If the contractor values his money at 10% interest rate, he

Free float is mainly used to

Preliminary project report for a road project must contain

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