The area between the isohyets 45 cm and 55 cm is 100 square km and between 55 cm and 65 cm is 150 square km. The average depth of annua! precipitation over the above basin of 250 square km will be

The normal annual precipitation at stations X, A, B and C are 700 mm, 1000 mm, 900 mm and 800 mm respectively. If the storm precipitation at three station A, B and C were 100 mm, 90 mm and 80 mm respectively, then the storm precipitation for station X will be

The level of the floor of a syphon aqueduct can be obtained

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

According to Khosla, the exits gradient of surface flow

Assertion A : To estimate the rainfall over a catchment, the number of raingauges required per unit area is large for hilly areas.
Reason R : Rainfall gradient is steep.
Select your correct answer according to the coding system given below :

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