If A is the area of the surface, $$\overline {\text{x}} $$ is the depth of its C.G. from the surface of the water and $$\omega $$ is the density of water, then

A water-logged land is found suitable for cultivation due to

An outlet which maintains a constant discharge irrespective of fluctuation in the water levels of the supplying channel or water course, is known as

If L is total length of a canal in kilometers, P is total perimeter of its lining in metres and C is the cost of lining per square metre, the additional expenditure involved on lining, is

Which of the following methods is used to estimate flood discharge based on high water marks left over in the past ?

The drainage water intercepting the canal can be disposed of by passing the canal below the drainage in

According to Bligh's creep theory, percolating water flows along

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