Which of the following errors cannot be eliminated by taking both face observations ?

Which of the following errors can be eliminated by taking mean of bot face observations ?

The scale of a vertical photograph of focal length ‘f’ taken from height of ‘H’ metres above M.S.L., at a point of reduced level ‘h’, is

If altitude bubble is provided both on index frame as well as on telescope of a theodolite, then the instrument is levelled with reference to
i) altitude bubble on index frame
ii) altitude bubble on index frame if it is to be used as a level
iii) altitude bubble on telescope
iv) altitude bubble on telescope if it is to be used as a level
The correct answer is

In the cross-section method of indirect contouring, the spacing of cross-sections depends upon
i) contour interval
ii) scale of plan
iii) characteristics of ground
The correct answer is

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