Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Value added statement is an improvement over the traditional method of preparing profit and loss account.
Reason (R): Value added statement reflects the profit added by the firm and the share of various stockeholders of the business.
Now, select your answer:

Assertion (A): Increasing the value of closing inventory increases profit.
Reason (R): Increasing the value of closing inventory reduces the cost of goods sold
In the context of the above two statements, which of the following is correct?

Arrange the following liabilities in the order of company balance sheet.
i. Bank Overdraft
ii. Bank Loan
iii. Share Capital
iv. Provision for Taxation

Which of the following will be debited in Income and expenditure account of a school?

What shall be the amount of Shareholders fund, if Equity Share Capital is Rs. 16,00,000, 8% Preference Share Capital is Rs. 2,00,000, General Reserve Rs. 73,000, Profit and Loss account balance (Cr.) Rs. 41,000, Preliminary Expenses. Rs. 20,000 and Short-term liabilities Rs. 30,000:

Which of the following is the reason for decapitalization?