Ram and Shyarn are partners in a firm with a capital of Rs. 4,80,000 and Rs. 3,10,000 respectively. They admitted Ganesh as a partner with $${\frac{1}{4}^{{\text{th}}}}$$ share of profit, and Ganesh brings Rs. 3,00,000 as his capital. Ganesh's share of goodwill will be

Match List-I with List-II and choose answer
List-I List-II
a. Cash 1. Equity share capital
b. Profit 2. Permanent property
c. Discount on issue of shares 3. Virtual asset
d. Machinery and plant 4. Current asset

Indicate which of the following is correct?

On what value the depreciation is charged in the books of the buyer in case of hire purchase method?

Which one of the following statements is false:

While preparing Funds Flow Statement an increase in working capital is regarded as: