Assertion (A): A reasonably large sized sample drawn randomly from a given population contains almost all the characteristics of the population.
Reason (R): As per the sampling theory, the assertion is based only on the 'law of inertia of large numbers'.

Assertion (A): When there is an evidence of a linear relationship between two variables, it may not always mean an independent-dependent relationship between the two variables.
Reason (R): The casual relationship between the two variables may not imply a reasonable theoretical relationship between the two.

The probable error of the coefficient of correlation(r) is calculated by which one of the following formula?

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
a. Coefficient of determination 1. $${\gamma _{xy}}\frac{{{\sigma _x}}}{{{\sigma _y}}}$$
b. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 2. $$1 - \frac{{6\sum {{d^2}} }}{{n\left( {{n^2} - 1} \right)}}$$  
c. Regression coefficient of $$x$$ on $$y$$ variable 3. $$\frac{{\sum {xy} }}{{n\,{\sigma _x}\,{\sigma _y}}}$$
d. Karl Pearson's formula of calculating $$\gamma $$ 4. $${\gamma ^2}$$

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