Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
The criminal was / caught, convicted the hung / in a short period of time.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
I am thinking of / to go to Agra / for my cousin's marriage.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
In management, as you rise higher, / the problems you face become more and more unstructured and you can't just fall back on / the tools you had been

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
Neeraj said / that he would rather fail than copying / in the examination

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
I had hoped to have met him yesterday / to discuss the matter with him / but he was not in his house, and so I could not meet him.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
You will come / to my party tomorrow, / isn't it?

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
I wonder / how am I / to do it

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
He is not to blame / for what has happened / for he is in no way connected with it.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
Had you not / reached in time / he would have lost all our belongings.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
The man told to her / that he had not brought his dog / out for a walk as he was afraid that it would rain.

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