Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
The President had hardly spoken / a few words / when the microphone stopped functioning.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
Locke's treatises on government toleration and education / show a mind fully awake in / the possibilities of social reconstruction.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
You will get / all the information / if you read this booklet carefully.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
None of the students attending your class / answered your questions / did they?

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
An animal / can be just as unhappy in a vast area / or in a small one

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
He is working in / a bank in New Delhi / for the past several months.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
The scientist must follow / his hunches and his data / wherever it may lead.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
Each one of the boys / have paid / the tuition-fee.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
A large scale exchange of nuclear weapons / will produce unprecedented amounts of radiation / that can penetrate into the biological tissue.

Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.
Had I / known it earlier / I would contact you.

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