In a certain code language, THANKS is written as SKNTHA. How is STUPID written in that code language?

In a certain code language, COMPUTRONE is written as PMOCTUENOR. How is ADVANTAGES written in that code?

In a certain code language, ORIENTAL is written as MBUOFJSP. How is COWARDLY written in that code language?

In a certain code language, STREAMLING is written as CGTVUHOJMN. How will the word PERIODICAL be written in that language?

In a certain code, RAIL is written as KCTN and SPEAK is written as CGRUM. How will AVOID be written in that code?

If in a certain code language, FLOWER is coded as UOLDVI, then how is TERMINAL coded in that language?

If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that language?

If in a certain code, GLAMOUR is written as IJCNMWP and MISRULE is written as OGUSSNC, then how will TOPICAL be written in that code?

In a certain code, TELEPHONE is written as ENOHPELET. How is ALIGATOR written in that code?

If SPIDER is written as PSDIRE in a certain code, how would COMMON be written in that code?