Consider the following series:
A B C D .... X Y Z | Y X ...... B A | B C D ...... Y Z | Y X ..... C B A | B C ........ Y Z ....
Which letter occupies the 1000th positing in the above series ?

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : R, U, X, A, D, ?

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : Z, ?, T, N, ?, H, ?, B

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : AI, BJ, CK, ?

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : AYD, BVF, DRH, ?, KGL

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : BZA, DYC, FXE, ?, JVI

Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives : AZ, GT, MN, ?, YB

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