What is the purpose of performing cross-validation?

If X and Y in a regression model are totally unrelated,

How can SVM be classified?

A company has build a kNN classifier that gets 100% accuracy on training data. When they deployed this model on client side it has been found that the model is not at all accurate. Which of the following thing might gone wrong? Note: Model has successfully deployed and no technical issues are found at client side except the model performance

which of the following cases will K-Means clustering give poor results?
1. Data points with outliers
2. Data points with different densities
3. Data points with round shapes
4. Data points with non-convex shapes

Which of the following option is / are correct regarding benefits of ensemble model?
1. Better performance
2. Generalized models
3. Better interpretability

A multiple regression model has the form: y = 2 + 3x1 + 4x2. As x1 increases by 1 unit (holding x2 constant), y will

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