A structure variable named address contains a member variable named strStreet. Which of the following statements assigns the string "Maple" to the member variable?

The intNums array is declared as follows: Dim intNums() As Integer = {10, 5, 7, 2}. Which of the following blocks of code correctly calculates the average value stored in the array? The intTotal, intSub, and dblAvg variables contain the number 0 before the loops are processed.

Do While intSub < 4
intNums(intSub) = intTotal + intTotal
intSub = intSub + 1
dblAvg = intTotal / intSub

Do While intSub < 4
intTotal = intTotal + intNums(intSub)
intSub = intSub + 1
dblAvg = intTotal / intSub

Do While intSub < 4
intTotal = intTotal + intNums(intSub)
intSub = intSub + 1
dblAvg = intTotal / intSub − 1

Do While intSub < 4
intTotal = intTotal + intNums(intSub)
intSub = intSub + 1
dblAvg = intTotal / (intSub − 1)

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