Object Browser are open from the . . . . . . . . or pressing the key F2. The left column of the Object Browser lists the objects and classes that are available in the projects

The intSales array is declared as follows: Dim intSales() As Integer = {10000, 12000, 900, 500, 20000}. Which of the following loops will correctly add 100 to each array element? The intSub variable contains the number 0 before the loops are processed.

Do While intSub <= 4
intSub = intSub + 100

Do While intSub <= 4
intSales = intSales + 100

Do While intSub < 5
intSales(intSub) =intSales(intSub) + 100

Do While intSub <6
intSales(intSub) = intSales(intSub) + 100

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