Directions (1 - 5): Refer to the graph and answer the given questions:
Number of watches of ‘PQR’ brand sold in Town X and Y in 6 different Months.
Direction image of Line Chart chapter
Town X 120 140 180 150 180 240
Town Y 220 120 150 210 230 180

The number of watches sold in Town Y in April is what percent more than the number of watches sold in Town X in the same month?

The number of watches sold in Town X in July was 10% more than the number of watches sold in the same town in May. What is the ratio of the number of watches sold in July to that sold in January in the same town?

What is the average number of watches sold in Town X in January, February, March and June?

The number of watches sold in Town Y increased by what per cent from February to May?

What is the difference between the total number of watches sold in both the towns together in June and the total number of watches sold in both the towns together in March?