Direction (1 - 5): Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
Number of pages printed by 5 printers during 5 days
Printers A B C D E
Monday 139 147 211 141 184
Tuesday 141 189 164 189 151
Wednesday 115 141 159 156 136
Thursday 89 223 120 147 113
Friday 187 93 257 160 124

What is the different between total number of pages printed by printers C and D together on Tuesday and total number of pages printed by printers A and E together on Thursday ?

The number of pages printed by printer E on Monday is what percent more than the number of pages printed by printer C on Thursday ?

The number of pages printed by printer A on Wednesday is what percent of the number of pages printed by printer D on Friday ?

What is the respective ratio between total number of pages printed by printer B on Wednesday and Thursday together and total number of pages printed by printer C on Monday and Friday together ?

What is the average number of pages printed by printer B on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday ?