With reference to the conventional Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system, the vertices of a triangle have the following coordinates; (x1, y1) = (1, 0); (x2, y2) = (2, 2); (x3, y3) = (4, 3). The area of the triangle is equal to

Given the matrix \[\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} { - 4}&2 \\ 4&3 \end{array}} \right],\]   the eigen vector is

Which one of the following does NOT equal \[\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} 1&{\text{x}}&{{{\text{x}}^2}} \\ 1&{\text{y}}&{{{\text{y}}^2}} \\ 1&{\text{z}}&{{{\text{z}}^2}} \end{array}} \right|?\]

The inverse of the 2 × 2 matrix \[\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} 1&2 \\ 5&7 \end{array}} \right]\]  is

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