The D1 and D2 lines of Na(32p1/2 → 32s1/2, 32p3/2 → 32s1/2) will split on the application of a weak magnetic field into

In the microwave spectrum of identical rigid diatomic molecules, the separation between the spectral lines is recorded to be 0.7143 cm-1. The moment of inertia of the molecule, in kg-m2 is

The typical wavelengths emitted by diatomic molecules in purely vibrational and purely rotational transitions are respectively in the region of

In a two-electron atomic system having orbital and spin angular momenta $${l_1}{l_2}$$  and $${s_1}{s_2}$$  respectively, the coupling strengths are defined as $${\Gamma _{{l_1}{l_2}}},\,{\Gamma _{{s_1}{s_2}}},\,{\Gamma _{{l_1}{s_1}}},\,{\Gamma _{{l_2}{s_2}}},\,{\Gamma _{{l_1}{l_2}}}$$      and $${\Gamma _{{l_2}{s_1}}}.$$  For the jj coupling. scheme to be applicable, the coupling strengths must satisfy the condition