________ river is sometimes referred to as "Dakshin Ganga".

Which river flows between Satpura and Vindhyas?

Which of the following river does not form a delta?

The Hirakud Project harnesses the water of the ________ river.

Consider the following rivers:
1. Ganga
2. Brahmaputra
3. Godavari
4. Krishna
Which of these rivers build a common delta?

Which river in the Southern Peninsula has the second largest river basin in India?

Which of the following are the features of the Himalayan rivers?
I. They are of youthful nature, forming deep gorges and performing intense erosional activity
II. They are free to form their courses and follow a dendritic pattern
III. They have very large basins

Given here are four places situated on the banks of the Narmada :
1. Jabalpur
2. Mandla
3. Amarkantak
4. Bharuch
In which order do these places occur from the source of the river to its mouth?

What is the correct sequence of the rivers- Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada and Tapi in the descending order of their lengths?

Which of the following is an east flowing river of the Peninsula?

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