The tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in summer because

What is the main activity of Eskimos during the short period of summer season?

The temperature decreases towards poles, because ________

Seasonal contrast in temperature are minimum in the equatorial region because ________

Perspiration is maximum when temperature is ________

Although hot deserts have a very low annual rainfall, occasional heavy rain storms do occur and these sometimes produce steep-sided, flat-floored valleys called ________

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the climatic regions while going from Zaire to Netherlands?
1. Equatorial climate
2. Mediterranean climate
3. Hot desert climate
4. West European climate

A place having an average annual temperature of 27°C and an annual rainfall of over 200 cm. could be ________

In which of the following types of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°C throughout the year?

Consider the following statements about the 'Roaring Forties':
1. They blow uninterrupted in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
2. They blow with great strength and constancy
3. Their direction is generally from North-West to East in the Southern Hemisphere
4. Overcast skies, rain and raw weather are generally associated with them

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