Where is the secretariat of the Conference on Biological Diversity?

Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?

The correct sequence in decreasing order of the albedo values of these ecosystem is:
1. Taiga
2. Tropical evergreen
3. Tropical deciduous
4. Tundra

Select the correct answer from the following:
1. Melting of polar ice caps and subsequently rise in the sea level is the most important effect of global warming.
2. The sea level is likely to rise by one meter by 2070 AD if the present level of global warming is not controlled.
3. All the coral islands in the world will be submerged.
4. By 2044 AD, Fiji is likely to be submerged and rise in the sea level by the same year will pose a grave danger to the Netherlands.

The Ozone hole over Antarctica was discovered in

Which of the following has maximum bio-diversity?

The Biosphere is a region of earth which supports life. It includes-
1. Hydrosphere
2. Lithosphere
3. Stratosphere
4. Troposphere

Of the solar energy coming into the Biosphere, what percentage of it is actually used in the photosynthesis?

Which of the following is least likely to be an effect of global warming?

EL-Nino is