The greatest contribution of the British rule to the growth of India nationalism was the __________

During the Viceroyalty of Sir John Lawrence the bone of contention between India and Bhutan was

The arrival of Vasco da Gama in Calicut, India on __________

The island of Bombay had been given to the British Prince Charles II as dowry by the

Assertion (A): East India Association in London was organised by Dadabhai Naoroji.
Reason (R): He wanted to influence the British public opinion

In the 18th Century the Royal prerogative in the affairs of the East India Company was controlled by

In March 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill appointed the Cripps Mission to resolve Indian political crisis because

As the unrest continued unabatedly, the Madras government appointed . . . . . . the collector of Malabar as special commissioner to enquire into the causes of the uprisings and recommend remedial measures.

Which of the following British Prime Minister headed the First Round Table Conference in London?

In 1661 the company obtained __________ from Charles II

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