What does Liskov substitution principle specify?

What will be the correct option of the following Java code snippet?
interface ICust 
class RegularCustomer implements ICust 
class OneTimeCustomer implements ICust 

What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
class Main() 
   public static void main(String[] args)
	Shape shape = new Shape();
	Square square = new Square();
	shape = square;

What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
class Main() 
   public static void main(String[] args)
	Shape shape = new Shape();
	Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
	shape = rect;

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
class Main() 
   public static void main(String[] args)
	Shape shape = new Shape();
	Square square = new Square();
	square = shape;

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
class Main() 
   public static void main(String[] args)
	Shape shape = new Shape();
	Square square = new Square();
    	Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
	rect = (Rectangle)shape;

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
class Main() 
      public static void main(String[] args)
	 Shape shape = new Shape();
	 Square square = new Square();
   	 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
	 rect = (Rectangle)square;

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
class Main() 
       public static void main(String[] args)
	 Shape shape = new Shape();
	 Square square = new Square();
   	 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
	 rect = (Rectangle)square;

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
	 Shape shape = new Square();
   	 shape = new Rectangle();

What will be the output of the following Java code?
public class Shape 
	public int area()
		return 1;
public class Square extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 2;
public class Rectangle extends Shape 
	public int area()
		return 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
	 Shape square = new Square();
   	 Shape rect = new Rectangle();
     	 square = rect;