The mandate of an arbitrator shall terminate if:

If there is no agreement between the parties to an arbitration proceeding in respect of number of arbitrators, there shall be

Section 18 of the Act provides that

A institutes a suit against B with respect to disputes arising out of an agreement entered into with B. The said agreement provides for arbitration of all disputes including the disputes subject matter of suit. The court before which the suit comes up for admission

The expression 'costs' under section 31 means reasonable costs relating to:

An arbitrator cannot make corrections or alterations once an award is published as a completed instrument. An arbitrator can however, make alterations in the award to correct:

Section 13 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 lays down:

Conciliation proceedings under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 commence when:

Which among the following are covered within 'Arbitration Agreement' as per Section 7 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996?
1. Oral agreement.
2. It may be in the form of a separate agreement.
3. Agreement by parties to submit the disputes which have arisen.
4. Agreement by parties to submit the disputes which may arise.
Select the correct answer using the given below.

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