Under Section 320(1) Criminal Procedure Code for house-trespass to commit an offence (other than theft) punishable with imprisonment, which section of Indian Penal Code is applicable?

If after the evidence, in the opinion of magistrate accused is guilty, in which he does not have the right to punish the accused with the maximum punishment prescribed for the offence, then under what section with written opinion he can submit his proceedings and forward the accused to the Chief Judicial Magistrate

The maximum possible compensation awardable under Section 356 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

The recording of reasons in writing is a condition under Section 87 Criminal Procedure Code is:

Within the meaning of section 144A of Criminal Procedure Code, who among the following authorities has power to prohibit carrying arms in procession or mass drill or mass training with arms?

Which provision under Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 deals with the procedure to be adopted by the Magistrate, to record confessions and statements?