The Vice-President can be removed from his office before expiry of his term by the-

Article 12 of the Constitution defines 'State' for the purpose of enforcement of fundamental rights. Against which of the following institutions writs cannot be issued for the enforcement of fundamental rights:

The Parliament by law may alter the boundaries of a State, provided that no Bill for this purpose shall be introduced in either Houses of Parliament except

In respect of which of the following the decision in Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978) 1 SCC 248 makes a departure from earlier decisions?
1. The principles of natural justice have no place in deciding the validity of a law under Article 21 of the Constitution.
2. The hearing must be given before depriving a person of his personal liberty.
3. Article 14 cannot be invoked to challenge a law seeking personal liberty.
4. Articles 14, 19 and 21 are inter related.
Select the correct answer:

In which case, the Supreme Court directed the Government to implement the law against female foeticide with full determination?

In the event of occurrence of vacancies in the offices of both, the President and the Vice-President of India, who among the following shall discharge the functions of the President till a new President is elected?

Which of the following statements are correct about the term 'Equality' mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?
1. It refers to absence of any special privileges to any section of the society
2. The preamble embraces only civic and economic equality
Select the correct option: