A contingent contract to do or not to do anything on the happening of an uncertain future event under section 32

When the consent to an agreement is caused by misrepresentation or by silence, fraudulent within the meaning of Section 17 and the party whose consent was so caused had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence, then

In which one of the following conditions, can an agent sub-delegate his authority to another person?

A local development authority announced a housing scheme and accepted applications under it, subsequently finding that the scheme was in violation of the Master Plan cancelled it.

In which of the following cases a contract may be specifically performed?

A who is a minor takes loan from B. On attaining majority. A executes a bond in favour of B for the loan taken during the minority. Is A liable?

In case of acceptance by post, at what point the acceptance is complete as against the proposer?

A' a tradesman, leaves goods at B's house by mistake. 'B' treats the goods as his own. Which one of the following remedies is available to 'A'?

X owes Rs. 10,000 to Y under a contract. It is agreed between X, Y & Z that Y shall henceforth accept Z as his debtor instead of X for the same amount. Old debt of X is discharged and a new debt from Z to Y is contracted. This is: