The question is whether 'A' murdered 'B' during the course of a struggle Marks on the ground produced by the struggle at the place of occurrenceis relevant fact under which of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act?

A' accused of murder, alleges that by grave and sudden provocation, he was deprived of the power of self-control. 'B'. denies this fact:

Which one among the following statements is not correct according to the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act?

A husband or wife are permitted to disclose any communication between them during marriage:

A is accused of murdering B. The following facts are constructed in the case:
1. An hour before the murder, A took B in his car to a certain place
2. A alone returned home
3. A's cloth were found to be blood-stained
The evidence which takes into account the above mentioned facts is called

In criminal cases, which one of the following statements is correct?