In the absence of a public notice of the fact of dissolution of the firm, the authority of partners

Under section 34 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, on adjudication of a partner as insolvent, the partnership firm

The outgoing partner, where the partnership business is continued by other partners without a final settlement of accounts, under section 37 of the Act, the outgoing partner is entitled to interest on the unpaid capital, at the rate of

Section 29 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, provides for certain rights of the transferee, of the partner's interest, in the firm

Under section 55(1) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the goodwill as an asset of the firm can be sold

Where a contract between the partners provides for the mode of dissolution, and the firm is dissolved in accordance with that subsisting contract, such a dissolution of firm is called

When the firm is named after the retiring partner, the retiring partner has a right to

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