The principles governing partners' mutual relations have been laid down in

Where the partnership business is carried on by the other partners after the outgoing of a partner, without a final settlement of accounts, under section 37 of the Act, the outgoing partner is entitled to a share of profits

The option to stay or to leave the partnership, by a minor on attaining majority under section 30(5) of the Act, can be exercised

A partnership firm not registered with the Registrar of Firms under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 can:

In which of the following cases, a partnership exist:

A minor admitted to the benefits of the firm under section 30 of the Act has a right to

Under section 40 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a firm can be dissolved

The principles contained in section 29 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, can be applied to

Section 15 of the Indian Partnership Act provides that

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