A' an Indian citizen commits adultery in England, which is not an offence in the country The alleged offence can be tried by:

A person can be held guilty for murder, only when:

Right of private defence extends to causing death, under the circumstances laid down in

A is attacked by a mob who attempt to murder him. He cannot effectually exercise his right of private defence without firing on the mob, and he cannot fire without risk of harming young children who are mingled with the mob. A fires and harms one child. Which one of the following is the liability of A?

A' a married woman commits suicide within 7 years of her marriage as she is unable to bear the torture and harassment meted out to her by her in-laws for not being able to produce a male offspring. The in-laws are liable under which section of the Indian Penal Code?

Two ladies of young age, A and B fight with each other. A was having a blade with which 'A' inflicts injury on the face of B leaving a scar on the cheek of B. A is guilty of offence of causing

Under Section 105 of Indian Penal Code, the right of private defence of property in cases of theft commences when a reasonable, apprehension of danger to the property commences and