Consider the following statements and identify the answer:
Statement I: X in the house with a child which is on fire. Knowing that the fall may kill the child, but not intending to kill him and in good faith in the child's benefit, X drops the child from the housetop to a blanket which was held out by. Some people below. Unfortunately the child died as a result of the fall. X has committed no offence.
Statement II: Nothing is an offence which is done in good faith for the benefit of a person without his consent or consent of lawful guardian, if minor or person of unsound mind

Intentionally omitting to give notice or information to a public servant by a person legally bound to give such notice or information is dealt under

Pramjeet, by his articles published in newspaper, has created hatred and contempt against the Government of India. He can be punished for the offence of

Under Section 98 of the Indian Penal Code the right of private defence is also available against

Section 76 of Indian Penal Code provides that nothing is an offence which is done by a person who by reason of

A' intending to kill 'B' by poisoning gave to 'B' some sweets to eat which were mixed with poison. 'B' took a portion of it and gave rest to 'C' and 'D'. 'C' and 'D' died while 'B' survived. 'A' is liable for: