Which of the following shall not be an unlawful assembly within the meaning of section 141 of Indian Penal Code

Hurt has been defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity to any person under section

Who, according to Section 21 of Indian Penal Code, 1860, is not a public servant:

A' incites a dog to spring upon 'Z' without 'Z's consent. Here 'A' intends to cause injury, fear or annoyance to 'Z'.

A person held guilty for commission of an offence described under Section 326-A of the Indian Penal Code, is liable to be punished with imprisonment which shall not be less than ten years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life with fine, required to be paid to the victim. Such fine shall be-

Assertion (A): X and Y sitting on the bank of a river suddenly start fighting, and X throws Y into the river Y starts shouting and requests Z, a vendor on river bank, to save him, Z though knows swimming does not pay heed Y drowns. Z is not liable.
Reason (R): People must guard against reasonable probabilities but they are not expected to guard against fantastic possibilities.