X wants to purchase Y's car and drives it to test it with Y seated by his side. Because of X's negligence an accident occurs and "Z" is injured. Z sues Y for damages. In this case:

Which one of the following is a ground for rejection of defence of fair comment in the tort of defamation?

X bought a bottle of soft drink and poured one half of contents in a glass and drank It. When she poured the remaining contents a decomposed body of snail floated above. X became sick and claimed damages against the manufacturing company.

Prosecution' under tort of 'malicious prosecution' means

X was using Y's garage for parking his car. One day when Y's servant M was transferring some petrol from a drum to another car, he struck a match to light his cigarette and threw the lighted match stick on the floor which caused fire in the garage and Y's car was gutted. X sued Y for damages for the negligence of his servant.

In which one of the following cases did the Supreme Court of India give a ruling that sovereign immunity of the State is subject to the fundamental rights?

'A' gave some cash and cheques to his friend 'B' who was an employee of the State Bank of India, to deposit the same in the Bank in the account of 'A'. 'B' misappropriated the amount. If 'A', 'B' misappropriated the amount. If 'A' sues the Bank for damages, then the Bank is:

The principle of privity of contract was held to be not applicable in an action for tort in

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