Under limitation Act, any suit for which no period of limitation is provided elsewhere in schedule of the limitation Act, the limitation would be

Section 4 of Limitation Act applies

A judgment was passed on 10th July, 2002, and the decree prepared on 25th July, 2002. An application for certified copy was made on 11th July, 2002 and the certified copy was ready on 1st August, 2002, and delivery of certified copy was taken on 5th August, 2002, under section 12, the period to be excluded is

A judgment was announced on 2nd January, 2002 & the decree prepared on 10th January, 2002. Application for certified copy made on 5th January, 2002 and the copy was ready on 15th January, 2002, under section 12 the period to be excluded is

Delay in filing within the prescribed period may be condoned by the court upon showing sufficient cause under section 5 of the Limitation Act in the case of

A' borrowed a sum of money from 'B'. The last date for filing the suit falls on a Sunday. On Monday, the next day, 'A' gives a written acknowledgement to 'B'. In this case

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