Provisions of section 67A shall not apply

A lease of immovable property

What act does not constitute part performance-

A' transfers his property to 'B' by mortgage with the condition that for ten years 'B' will take the mortgage money from the income of the property and thereafter 'A' shall redeem the property by making the payment of remaining amount. This mortgage is

The Supreme Court held that the act of taking illegal possession of property or the continuance of wrongful possession of property does not amount to "otherwise dealing with the property" so as to attract section 52, even if the wrong doer be a party to the suit. This was held in case of:

In the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, sections 33 to 37 apply to both immovable and movable property whereas sections 38 to 53 apply to:

When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of another, neither things or both things being money only, the transaction is called: