The key difference between decentralisation and delegation are
1. the superior distributing the authority can take back the delegation at his own will, however, in decentralisation a legal action has to be taken.
2. delegation is a legal process while decentralisation is done at the will of the superior.
3. there is transfer of authority in delegation and not the responsibility, while in decentralisation there is a transfer of authority, responsibility and accountability.
Select the correct answer:

Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?

Prof. . . . . . . . . has divided managerial skills into three key skills chiefly technical skills, conceptual skills and human relation skills.

"No one on the organisation should have more than one boss" is a statement of

Identify the correct statement(s).
1. Profits centers deal with maximisation of sales
2. Cost Centers help in revenue generation
3. Investment centres focus on making investment in the assets that yield higher return
4. Revenue centres are responsible for generating maximum sales.
Select the correct answer:

Which of the following statements are true/false?
1. Directing provides adequate satisfaction.
2. Directing comprises of delegation, authority and departmentalisation.
3. Directing ensures proper feedback.
4. Directing entails maximum contribution.

Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating the direct group relations of 'span of control' as given by VA Graicunas?

According to American School of thought, the difference between administration and management is that

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