Most organisations for talent management

According to which of the following techniques of job analysis, the analysis reduces all jobs to 194 elements?

Match the following.
List-I (Component of Human Resource Planning) List-II (Their Qualities)
a. Demographics 1. Community attitudes also affect the nature of the labour market
b. Community attitudes 2. The list likely replacements for each job and indicate their relative strengths and weaknesses
c. Replacement summaries 3. Demographic trends are another long-term development that affects the availability of external supply
d. Human resource planning 4. The Planning requires considerable time, staff and financial resources

A major difference between international HRM and domestic HRM is

Which of the following is matched incorrectly?

Consider the following statements with reference to 'employee referral' as a recruiting option by a company
1. referrals tend to generate lower yield ratio (hires/applicants).
2. current employees usually provide accurate information about the job applicants they are referring.
3. relying on referrals might be discriminatory.
4. the new employees join with a. more realistic picture of what the company is like.
Indicate the correct option.