Read the statements and choose the correct answer.
I. Sigmund Freud proposed the concept of the 'structure of psyche' in terms of id, ego and superego.
II. The 'Id' does not care about reality, about the needs of an one else, only its own satisfaction.

Match the following.
List-I List-II
a. Individuals know their own emotions 1. Emotional intelligence
b. It is the difference between the felt emotions and displayed emotions 2. Emotional dissonance
c. Managing the expression and feelings to cater to the emotional requirements 3. Emotional labour
d. Regulating ones emotions consciously 4. Emotional regulation

Hans Selye's (1956) "General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)" has been widely held as a comprehensive model to explain the stress phenomenon. This three stage model states that when an organism is confronted with a threat, the general physiological response occurs in three stages.
Which of the following stage(s) is not a part of GAS model?

McGhee and Thayer's have developed a 'Three Level Analysis' for conducting training need assessment. Which of the following is not one of these layers?

Which of the following statements is true?

. . . . . . . . is a field of study that examines the extent to which emotions, whether positive or negative, serve a purpose.

Match the items of List-I with those of List-II and choose the correct combination.
List-I List-II
a. Emotions are results of physiological response towards the situation 1. Lazarus Theory
b. Emotions and physiological activities are two different independent processes 2. Schachter-Singer
c. The cognitive (psychological) and physiological responses together cause emotions 3. James-Lange
d. This theory of emotion labels the situation 4. Cannon-Bard

The ego-defensive function of an attitude

Match the following.
List-I (Methods of training) List-II (Features)
a. Job rotation 1. Instead of using original machinery employees are trained on dummy model
b. Vestibule training 2. It is well adopted to convey specific information
c. Apprenticeship programmes 3. It allowes trainees to interact with other employees facilitating future cooperation among departments
d. Lectures 4. After completion of training, the master worker goes and the trainee gets full charge of the job position

Teaching a rat, a very complicated response may involve the following steps.
1. Giving a closer and closer approximation for reward.
2. Rewarding simple behaviour that approximates the desired behaviour.
3. Pairing a neutral stimulus with the uncon-ditioned stimulus
The most effective sequence of these steps would be

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