____________ is a tool for simultaneously depicting the service process, the points of customer contact and the evidence of service from the customers point of view.

__________ is the physical surroundings or the physical facility where the service is produced, delivered and consumed.

___________ are the only service distributors which do not require direct human interactions.

In the absence of a physical product, service providers need to consider the use of __________ that enable customers to make a judgment on the service quality.

Compared with low-contact services, customers of high-contact services are more likely to judge service quality on the basis of:

Which of the following is not generally accepted as being part of the extended marketing mix for services?

A tool for assessing the level of service quality based on the difference between users expectations and the service experience delivered is:

Text messaging is a type of which promotion strategy?

The element of service quality which is defined as 'the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence'

Attributes where consumers can evaluate only during or after the consumption process is known as

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