Internal marketing is marketing by a service firm to train and effectively motivate its customer-contact employees and all the supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction.

The packaging concept states what the package should be or do for the product.

Resellers may actually take ownership of the product and participate in the marketing, including the advertising.

The materials and ingredients used in producing the product are obtained from other companies who are referred to as distributors.

The primary purpose of marketing activities is to facilitate and encourage exchange transactions with potential customers.

Merchant wholesalers sell goods and services directly to final consumers for their personal, non business use.

A service can be defined as “any activity or benefit that one party can offer another that is essentially intangible and that does not result in the ownership of anything.”

The intangible nature of many services can create unique challenges for marketers.

Auction sites, such as eBay, QXL are examples of Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) channels.

A channel of distribution is any series of firms (or individuals) who participate in the flow of products to final user or customer.

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