Marketing segmentation should be followed by the targeting and product positioning activities for effective planning and implementation of the

The firm may go for defensive advertising as per which one of the following approaches?

Match the items of List I with the items of List II and select the correct answer:
List-I (Type of Store Retailers) List-II (Formats)
a. Speciality store 1. Broad selection of high mark-up, fast moving, brandname goods sold by a list
b. Drug store 2. Narrow product line
c. Superstore 3. Prescription and pharmacies
d. Catalogue showroom 4. Huge selling space

A market penetration pricing strategy is suitable when

The following statements relate to social media. Choose the correct answer for the statements being correct or incorrect.
Statement I Social media does not allow users to interact among themselves.
Statement II Social media helps facilitate the consumer's decision process by encouraging need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase and post purchase reviews.

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