Many brick-and-click competitors became stronger contenders in the marketplace than the pure-click firms because they had a larger pool of resources to work with and . . . . . . . .

In the course of converting to a marketing orientation, a company faces three hurdles . . . . . . . .

Which of the following is incorrect about production concept?

Match the following.
List-I (Authors) List-II (Ideas)
a. Bill Bishop 1. Managing is the Market space
b. D. Bird 2. Commonsense Direct Marketing
c. Daniel S. Jonal 3. Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age
d. Jeffery F. Rayport 4. On-line Marketing

Match the following.
List-I (Thinkers) List-II (Books)
a. Kaldor A. G. 1. Imbricative Marketing
b. Mc Kitterick J.B. 2. What is the Marketing Management Concept
c. Levitt T. 3. Innovation in Marketing
d. Lazo H. and Corbin A. 4. Management in Marketing

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