One disadvantage of using North-West Corner rule to find initial solution to the transportation problem is that.

The solution to a transportation problem with ‘m’ rows (supplies) & ‘n’ columns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are.

If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should be.

During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may occur when.

The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a transportation table is chosen to improve the current solution because.

The smallest quantity is chosen at the corners of the closed path with negative sign to be assigned at unused cell because.

When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the problem is said to be?

Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem?

The degeneracy in the transportation problem indicates that

An assignment problem is considered as a particular case of a transportation problem because.

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