Simulation is defined as.

The general purpose system simulation language.

Special simulation languages are useful because they.

Few causes of simulation analysis failure are.

To make simulation more popular, we need to avoid.

The important step required for simulation approach in solving a problem is to.

Consider the following statements.
1. A transport problem is said to be a balanced problem if the number of origins and destination is equal.
2. Dual theory of simplex method of LP can be used to solve a game theory problem.
3. CPM is often referred to as time cost trade off.
4. Time is not the only variable in PERT.
5. In a single channel queueing models, μ = λ, infinite queue will build up.

Statement I $$overline X $$ chart, and chart and R chart are the techniques used for product control under statistical quality control.
Statement II Operating characteristic curve helps determine whether a particular acceptance sampling plan meets both the product's and the consumer's risk requirements.

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