Which organisation was instrumental in the passage of Right to Information (RTI) Act?

Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 is divided into Five chapters. Which of these Five Chapters focuses on 'offences and penalties?

. . . . . . . . prohibits the sellers to involve in unfair trade practices in the form of misrepresentation of goods or services.

Match the following pre-independence Acts with the Governor Generals under whom they were enacted.
List-I (Pre-Independence Acts) List-II (Governor Generals)
a. First Press Regulations Act, 1799 1. Lord Wellesley
b. Licensing Regulations Act, 1823 2. John Adams
c. Vernacular Press Act, 1878 3. Lord Lython
d. Official Secrets Act, 1923 4. Lord Curzon

Who was the Chairman of the first Press Council of India, an autonomous, statutory and quasi-judicial body?

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