The air standard efficiency of an Otto cycle is given by (where r = Compression ratio and $$\gamma $$ = Ratio of specific heats)

Work-done during adiabatic expansion is given by (where p1, v1, T1 = Pressure, volume and temperature for the initial condition of gas, p2, v2, T2 = Corresponding values for the final condition of gas, R = Gas constant and $$\gamma $$ = Ratio of specific heats)

According to First law of thermodynamics,

According to Kelvin-Planck’s statement of second law of thermodynamics,

According to Kelvin-Planck's statement of second law of thermodynamics,

Which of the following statement is correct according to Clausis statement of second law of thermodynamics?

Which of the following is the correct statement of the second law of thermodynamics?

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